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In Honor of PNC S. John Sisler

It is with a sad heart we announce the death of our Past National Commander S. John Sisler. See message from National AMVETS:

Dear AMVETS Family,

We lost a dear friend and longtime AMVETS leader. Past National Commander S. John Sisler passed today. The entire organization will miss this great AMVET. We will share arrangements as they are announced.

PNC Sisler honorably served in the U.S. Army, a veteran of the Vietnam War, before joining Illinois AMVETS Post #169 in North Pekin in 1968. He became a Life Member in 1970 and held virtually every elected office in his post, Department and nationally.

PNC Sisler was Commander of the Department of Illinois in 1991. He went on to hold the officers of National Executive Committeeman, Fourth National District Commander, National Second Vice Commander and National First Vice Commander. John became National Commander in 2003. He later served multiple terms on the National Service Foundation Board of Directors.

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