White Clover Program
The story of the
White Clover
"Remember Me"
The White Clover is the official flower of AMVETS.
The white clover is a perennial with trifoliate green leaves, stems that root at the nodes and white flowers. Occasionally, the plant produces a four-leaf aberration. It is a four-leaf clover symbolizing the four states in which the four branches of U.S. Armed Forces were drawn.
Four leaf clovers can be found around the world and traditionally represent good luck for those that find them. The White Clover is symbolic of the universal struggle for freedom.
'Think Of Me' is the original White Clover slogan. It helps us think of all hospitalized veterans, war orphans, servicemen and women, needy families and disaster victims and raise funds to help these populations achieve independence.
The slogan has since changed to 'Remember Me'.
The White Clover is symbolic of the struggle all over the world for freedom during all wars and it reminds us of the needless misery, privation and death caused by war, of those who gave their lives and of those who are seriously disabled or still confined to hospitals for the injuries and illnesses they suffered.
The program dates back to the beginning of the organization in 1944 and is based on using flowers as symbols of remembrance in war.
The White Clover flower itself is symbolic of WWII much like the red poppy is symbolic of WWI.
Since 1946, AMVETS throughout America have brought the White Clover into their communities to benefit and assist the needy-both veterans and the general public.
The White Clover program is an excellent project to raise funds that will benefit veteran’s service activities. Ideal times for this traditional project are around Memorial Day, Independence Day and Veterans Day.
Be sure to obtain permission and acquire permits where required by law. Most communities will give full support for charitable activities such as a White Clover drive, because the proceeds are used locally.
White clovers are available through the AMVETS Quartermaster.
The White Clover Medal is a National award that was developed and approved a number of years ago. It is recognition for an AMVETS member who exemplifies service to veterans, most often service to our hospitalized veterans. There is not one specific set of criteria; in fact various Departments have differing criteria.
However, it is frequently used to recognize a Post Service Officer or an individual who has performed some special task(s) in the line of service to hospitalized veterans.
Some departments/posts award it to the person leading the most successful “White Clover Drive” since the money raised is frequently used for the benefit of patients at the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.
Some department/posts award it to the person who represents their “AMVET of the Year,” based on individuals impressive accomplishments in service to veterans. Typically, departments/posts using this recognition make one award per year.
To request a White Clover Medal, please contact the AMVETS National Programs Department.
White Clover Princess. A few AMVETS departments also conduct a program where they select a young lady to represent AMVETS and promote the White Clover Program throughout the year at various AMVETS and public venues. This is a great way to showcase the campaign but more importantly bring attention to what is being done on behalf of our veterans with the funds secured through the program.
What White Clover Donations are used for:
1. To provide a service or item for a veteran in a VA medical facility,
2. To provide a service or item for a sick or hospitalized veteran not receiving care in a VA medical facility,
3. To provide support for volunteers for sick and hospitalized veterans, such as transportation and food,
4. To support the family or a sick or hospitalized veteran in their time of need,
5. To support AMVETS programming dedicated to serving sick, hospitalized, or homeless veterans,
6. To provide posts with the supplies necessary to service their local communities and much more.
Putting People First: At its heart, the White Clover Program is about connecting our Veterans to their communities . Through the White Clover Program, our AMVETS veterans are able to connect with their local communities and collect donations. These donations are then used to support and assist local veterans in the area in need, whether that means providing meals and transportation to a homeless veteran, funding an entertainment program for patients at the local VA medical center or helping the family of a local veteran support themselves.