Ohio Division of Liquor Control new online renewal portal
The Ohio Division of Liquor Control has a new online liquor permit portal. It is strongly requested that Posts with liquor permits renew them online. It will help speed processing and reduce errors.
Many permit locations need to renew their liquor permit by July 1, 2021 this year.
The Division created a guidance document that helps to explain who needs to file a renewal and provides direct links within it on how to get started. You can access that document here. https://www.com.ohio.gov/documents/Liqr_RenewalGuide.pdf
The Division requests that the permits are renewed in this way due to COVID-19 protocols and the many renewal cycles all coming together at one time this year.
Please contact Paul Kulwinski if you have any questions. Contact information follows below.
Paul Kulwinski
Director of Licensing
Ohio Department of Commerce
Division of Liquor Control
Main: 614-644-2489