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Army ROTC at Wright State University

U.S. Army ROTC

The Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), is a college elective for undergraduate and graduate students which provides leadership training for success in any career field.  I


Available at over 1,100 colleges and universities nationwide, it offers merit-based scholarships that can pay up to the full cost of tuition and open educational opportunities. 


AMVETS Department of Ohio is proud to support these young men and women as they embark on their journey into military service.


1010 Wooster Street, 151 Memorial Hall, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403

Contact: Tammy Behnfeldt, Department of Military Science, or 419-372-2476.


Affiliate programs:

Heildleberg Collage

Olhio Norther University

Tiffin University

Univerrsity of Findlay

1 College and Main, Columbus, Ohio 43209

Contact: Barbara Kroneberger, Department of Military Science, or 614- 236-7114.


Affiliate programs:

Denison University

Kenyon College

Ohio Dominican University

Otterbein College

1400 Brush Row Road, Wilberforce, Ohio 45384

Contact: Lt Col Bryant, Department of Military Science, or 937-376-6283.


Affiliate programs:

Cedarville University

Wilberforce University

Urbana University

1 John Carroll Blvd, University Heights, Ohio 44118

Contact: Joe McCluskey, Department of Military Science, or 216-397-4421.


Affiliate programs:

Baldwin-Wallace College

Case Western Reserve University

Cleveland State University

Notre Dame College of Ohio

Ursuline College

Hiram College

Oberlin College

125 Terrace Drive, Suite 104 Terrace Hall, Kent, Ohio 44242

Contact: Peggy Studer, Department of Military Science, or (330) 672-8207.


Affiliate programs

Mount Union College

Youngstown State University


1 Ohio University Bromley Hall 176, Athens, Ohio 45701

Contact: John Hansen, Department of Military Science, or 740-593-1919.



353 Converse Hall 2121 Tuttle Park Place, Columbus, Ohio 43210

Contact: Manuel Pace, Department of Military Science, or 614-.292-6075.



240 Carroll St. Shrank Hall South, Akron, Ohio 44325

Contact: Capt. Les Stroud, Department of Military Science, or 330-972-2775.

2585 Dennis St., Suite 1100, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221

Contact: Lt. Col Matt Clementz, Department of Military Science, or 513-556-3660.


300 College Park Dayton, Ohio 45469

Contact: Capt. Hai Robinson, Department of Military Science,, 937-229-3510.





1820 Stadium Dr. Mail Stop 217 Toledo, Ohio 43606

Contact: MSG Fields, Department of Military Science, or 419-530-2681.

3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy 118 Millett Hall, Dayton, Ohio 45469

Contact: Vince Taylor, Department of Military Science, or 937-775-2581.

3904 Winding Way, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229

Contact: Cari Brehse, Department of Military Science, or 513-745-1060.



1 University Plaza, Youngstown, Ohio 44555

Contact: Lt Col Joe Paydock, Department of Military Science, or 330-941-3205.



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